Access to Information
The Reserve Bank of Australia publishes a large amount of material that is available free of charge and without a request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act). This includes publications, speeches, statistics and media releases.

It also has an Information Publication Scheme (IPS) that brings together a range of other material published by the Reserve Bank on its website, for example information on our structure, functions, appointments, annual reports, consultation arrangements and information we routinely provide to Parliament.
Requesting Information or Documents
Many requests for information or copies of documents can be dealt with informally and quickly – see our General Enquiries page for details of how to contact us. Details are also provided for requests for specific information.
Personal Information
If you are an individual, you can obtain most personal information we hold about you without following a formal process under the FOI Act. Sometimes that will not be possible, but if that is the case we will tell you why. See our Privacy page for details of how you can ask to see or be given a copy of personal information we hold about you. If you are a current or former employee you should seek access under the Privacy Act 1988 before making a request under the FOI Act.
Freedom of Information (FOI)
Making an FOI Request
Information setting out the Reserve Bank of Australia's practices concerning requests under the FOI Act for access to information held by the Reserve Bank, including information about how to make an FOI request and what will happen when you do.
Disclosure Log

Since 1 May 2011, Australian Government agencies have been required by the FOI Act to publish a register of information that has been released under the FOI Act. The register is known as a ‘Disclosure Log’.
Disclosure Statement
This provides more information about our Disclosure Log.
IPS and FOI Enquiries
Contact details to help direct your IPS or FOI enquiry.
The Reserve Bank provides public access to records 20 years from the date of their creation, in accordance with the Archives Act 1983. However, in most instances, the Bank goes further to make records available to the public 15 years from their creation date, with this early release at the Bank's discretion. The public can access many records directly through Unreserved or request access with assistance of the archivists. See our Archives page for more information.