Payments System Board Annual Report – 2006 The Board's Decisions and Reserve Bank Reports


‘Some Features of the Australian Payments System’, Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, December 1998.


Media Release 1999-02, ‘Eligibility for Exchange Settlement Accounts’ (Sets out the Reserve Bank's policy on eligibility for exchange settlement accounts), 1 March 1999.

‘The Role of Exchange Settlement Accounts’, Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, March 1999.

Joint RBA/ACCC Media Release, ‘Study of Interchange Fees and Access in Debit and Credit Card Schemes’ (Announcing the commencement of the study), 16 September 1999.

Reducing Foreign Exchange Settlement Risk in Australia: A Progress Report, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, September 1999.

Media Release 1999-13, ‘Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998: Approval of Multilateral Netting Arrangements’ (Approval of the Austraclear System and the High Value Clearing System managed by the Australian Payments Clearing Association), 24 November 1999.


The Future of Clearing and Settlement in Australia: A Discussion Paper, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, March 2000.

Joint RBA/APRA Media Release, ‘Regulation of Purchased Payment Facilities’ (Announcing the enactment of a regulation under the Banking Act 1959 bringing certain types of purchased payment facilities under APRA's supervision), 15 June 2000.

Joint RBA/ACCC Media Release, ‘Debit and Credit Card Schemes in Australia: A Study of Interchange Fees and Access’ (Announcing the release of the study), 10 October 2000.

Debit and Credit Card Schemes in Australia: A Study of Interchange Fees and Access, Reserve Bank of Australia and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Sydney, October 2000.


Media Release 2001-09, ‘Designation of Credit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Announcing designation of the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa credit card schemes in Australia), 12 April 2001.

Media Release 2001-25, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Releasing a consultation document and draft standards for the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa credit card schemes in Australia), 14 December 2001.

Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia: I A Consultation Document, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, December 2001.

Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia: II Commissioned Report, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, December 2001.

Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia: III Submissions Received, Volumes 1 and 2, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, December 2001.


Media Release 2002-15, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Releasing the final standards for the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa credit card schemes in Australia and a Regulation Impact Statement), 27 August 2002.

Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia: IV Final Reforms and Regulation Impact Statement, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, August 2002.

Media Release 2002-18, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Announcing the Bank would defend the challenge to the credit card reforms by Visa International), 19 September 2002.


Joint RBA/APRA Media Release, ‘Management of Exchange Settlement Accounts’ (Announcing new provisions for agency arrangements in RTGS), 26 March 2003.

Media Release 2003-04, ‘Financial Stability Standards’ (Release of Financial Stability Standards for Securities Settlement Systems and Central Counterparties licensed under the Corporations Act 2001 ), 30 May 2003.

Media Release 2003-08, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Announcing a regulation to ensure that, in complying with the standards for credit card schemes, participants in credit card schemes are not at risk under the Trade Practices Act 1979), 1 July 2003.

Media Release 2003-09, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia – Access Regime’ (Announcing a draft access regime for the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa credit card schemes in Australia), 24 July 2003.

‘The Changing Australian Retail Payments Landscape’, Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, July 2003.

Media Release 2003-12, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Reporting the Federal Court decision on the challenge to the Reserve Bank's credit card reforms), 19 September 2003.

Media Release 2003-14, ‘Interchange Fees for the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa Credit Card Schemes’ (Reporting new interchange fees for the schemes in compliance with the Reserve Bank's standards on interchange fees), 31 October 2003.


Media Release 2004-01, ‘Designation of the Visa Debit Card Scheme in Australia’, 23 February 2004.

Media Release 2004-02, ‘Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia – Access Regime’ (Announcing the finalisation of an access regime for the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa credit card schemes in Australia), 23 February 2004.

Media Release 2004-04, ‘Regulation of Purchased Payment Facilities under the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998’ (Announcing class exclusions from the operation of the Act ), 10 March 2004.

‘The Australian High-value Payments System’, Reserve Bank of Australia Financial Stability Review, March 2004.

Submission by the Reserve Bank of Australia to the Australian Competition Tribunal, April 2004.

‘How Australians Withdraw Cash’, Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, July 2004.

‘Merchant Service Fees for Credit Cards’, Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, July 2004.

Media Release 2004-07, ‘Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998: Approval of Netting Arrangements, Cheques Act 1986: Recognition of Settlement System’ (Announcing that four clearing streams managed by the Australian Payments Clearing Association (APCA) are approved multilateral netting arrangements and that APCA's Australian Paper Clearing System is a recognised settlement system under the Cheques Act 1986), 19 August 2004.

Media Release 2004-08, ‘Reform of Card Payment Systems in Australia’ (Announcing the designation of the EFTPOS system in Australia), 9 September 2004.

‘Reasons for the Decision to Designate the EFTPOS Payment System’, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, 14 October 2004.


Media Release 2005-02, ‘Payments System Reform’ (Announcing draft standards for the EFTPOS and Visa Debit systems, decisions on the regulation of American Express and Diners Club and calling for submissions on whether the Credit Card Interchange Standard should be amended), 24 February 2005.

Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems in Australia: A Consultation Document, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, February 2005.

Media Release 2005-07, ‘Payments System Reform’ (Announcing outcomes from the Payments System Board meeting on regulation of BPAY, publication of credit and charge card market share data, EFTPOS access reform and a change to the Financial Stability Standard for Securities Settlement Facilities), 1 June 2005.

Media Release 2005-08, ‘Payments System Reform’ (Announcing the outcome of the Payments System Board meeting with respect to a revised draft standard for setting of credit card interchange fees, a draft access regime for Visa Debit, EFTPOS access reform, publication of BPAY interchange fees and market shares of credit and charge card schemes, and changes to American Express merchant agreements), 20 July 2005.

Proposed Changes to the Credit Card Interchange Standard: A Consultation Document, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, July 2005.

An Access Regime for the Visa Debit System: A Consultation Document, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, July 2005.

Media Release 2005-10, ‘Payments System Board Decisions’ (Announcing the imposition of an access regime on the Visa Debit system in Australia and the exclusion of the Westfield gift card from the provisions of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998), 22 August 2005.

‘Merchant Service Fees and Market Shares for Credit and Charge Cards’, Reserve Bank of Australia Bulletin, August 2005.

Media Release 2005-13, ‘Payments System Board – November 2005’ (Announcing a common benchmark for the setting of interchange fees in the Bankcard, MasterCard and Visa credit card schemes and aspects of ATM access arrangements that warrant attention), 25 November 2005.

Common Benchmark for the Setting of Credit Card Interchange Fees, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, November 2005.

Media Release 2005-14, ‘Reform of Debit Card Schemes in Australia’ (Reporting the Federal Court decision on a challenge to the Reserve Bank's designation of the EFTPOS system), 28 November 2005.

Media Release 2005-16, ‘Reform of Debit Card Systems in Australia’ (Announcing the outcome of the release of a draft access regime for the EFTPOS system, a revised draft interchange standard for the EFTPOS system and MasterCard's intention to voluntarily apply to its new debit card product any standards imposed on the Visa Debit system), 20 December 2005.

Reform of Debit Card Systems in Australia: A Consultation Document, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, December 2005.


Media Release 2006-02, ‘Payments System Reforms’ (Announcing the decisions to determine an interchange standard for the EFTPOS system, revoke the designation of the Bankcard scheme and access regime imposed on it, and remove references to Bankcard from the Credit Card Interchange Standard, and the exclusion of a number of classes of purchased payment facilities from the provisions of the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998), 27 April 2006.

Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems in Australia: Final Reforms and Regulation Impact Statement, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, April 2006.

Media Release 2006-04, ‘Reform of Debit Card Systems in Australia’ (Announcing the imposition of an interchange fee Standard on the Visa Debit system, a Standard dealing with ‘honour all cards’ rules in the Visa Debit and Visa credit card systems and the ‘no surcharge’ rule in the Visa Debit system, and the receipt of an undertaking from MasterCard that it would voluntarily comply with the Standards imposed on the Visa Debit system), 7 July 2006.