RDP 9702: The Implementation of Monetary Policy in Australia Appendix B: Estimating the Bias from Ordinary Least Squares
April 1997
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It is convenient to rewrite the model for non-farm GDP growth, Equation (1) in the text, as
where Zt−1 = yt−1 − χ*wt−1 (χ* is the cointegrating vector between y and w) and Wt is the matrix of exogenous variables, Wt = [1 Δwt Δwt−1 Δft−2 Δft−4]. Equation (B1) may be further simplified to
where Xt = [rt rt−1 rt−2 rt−3 rt−4 rt−5 rt−6 Zt−1] is the matrix of regressors presumed to be correlated with the disturbance term, εt.
OLS on Equation (B2) yields the following estimate for α,
where MW = I − W(W′W)−1W′.
as plim since W is exogenous. In the limit, as the sample size increases, the true
value of the vector α is then
We presume that the short-term real interest rate, rt, can be expressed as
where ‘exogenous’ implies uncorrelated with the error term in Equation (B2) and ut is determined by the policy-maker on the basis of information about current and future output not available to the econometrician estimating the output equation (B2).
As explained in the text, the correlation coefficient between real interest rates and the error term in Equation (B2) is assumed to be a geometrically declining function of the lag of the real interest rate, with no correlation after the sixth lag. The covariance between Zt−1 and εt (which is identical to the covariance between yt−1 and εt) is denoted σε σu θ and is derived below. In symbols we have
where σε and σu are estimates of the standard deviations of the errors in Equations (B1) and (B5). For the underlying model, σε = 0.56, while for σu, we use the value derived from estimating Equation (3) in the text (which is a simple version of Equation (B5)). This gives the estimate σu=1.32.
Now define the variables Ci, i = 0,...,6 by
Denote the covariance between εt and yt−i as PLi, and between εt and Δyt−i as PCi. The model, Equation (B2), implies the recursive structure,
We require θ = PL1/σεσu,
which is a function of the true vector α. For given γ in the
range zero to 0.75, we proceed as follows. First, we use the sample value
of as our estimate of plim
. (This requires an estimate of the cointegrating
vector, χ*, between y and w; we
use the OLS estimate for this.) Next, we use the OLS estimate,
to generate an estimate
via Equation (B8). We now have an estimate for plim
via Equation (B6).
This enables us to generate an estimate,
, of the ‘true’
vector α via Equation (B4). We now iterate:
implies a new estimate
for θ,
, which, in turn, implies a new estimate
for α,
. This process is continued until it converges,
The estimated response to a permanent 1 per cent increase in the real interest
rate on year-ended growth shown in Figure 4 and on the average lag of monetary
policy shown in Figure 5 are generated using